Natalia Gorczyca
My name is Natalia Gorczyca and since 2000 I have been running the Tax Advisory and Accounting Office. I am a certified tax advisor, and obtaining the certificate involved years of hard study, as in Poland it is exceptionally hard to get. Since I am the ambitious type, I also mastered two languages and nowadays I love to talk, advise, discuss things in English and German, and of course also to crack jokes and just chat. I am a rather restless soul, with a head full of new ideas and I incessantly like to improve, modify and restructure things, so boredom is not my thing. My life motto is “Everything is possible”, which I strongly believe in. Running the Office gives me true pleasure, and working with people – pure joy. I like what I do, and I would say that the success of my firm comes from combining passion with commitment of the entire team
Karolina Kozłowska
My name is Karolina Kozłowska and together with Natalia Gorczyca I’m running the Tax Advisory and Accounting Office. By nature I am very meticulous, which is why I have been assigned the role of auditor in our Office. I verify bookkeeping records, calculations, pay rolls, tax forms, I point out mistakes, underline, highlight, strike items off and pick on everything round the clock. However, I’m doing my best not to rip up documents and hurl files at others, and keep my temper under control. ? I keep learning new things and recently, I’m committed to HR issues. At our Office we always try to give one another a helping hand, and so I do a lot of problem solving and mentoring, and also look after new interns. As people find me to have great organisational skills, my duties involve organising our firm’s events and trips, such as hiking in the mountains, kayaking, camping or bike trips. Every co-worker would say that I’m a self-confident person, therefore during negotiations I am given the lead and yes, I do feel then like a fish in the water. I am lucky to have a job I really like, and to work with such nice, quick to smile ladies. Because this is what our team is like: dynamic, open-minded and positive.

We work 7 hours a day.We share a profit.,
We are learning.We are in good teamwork.We act ethically.Our work is highly automated.
We train our customers.We make them feel taken care of.
We work with companies that accept our values.
We have a significant impact on the accounting services industry in Poland.
We share our knowledge on how to manage an accounting office.
We have the courage to show others the right way.
We are very reliable and we meet the deadlines agreed with the client. We feel entitled to brag because we know that we provide high quality services. We like to laugh and we break stereotypes associated with our profession.